Saturday, April 21, 2012

A No Brainer

The more you learn about Minerva the more you need that Oxygen tank LOLOL. If you have not realized the magnitude of this You will and just imagine your life a year from now!!! Heck a month from now... We literally are equal partners in Minerva so if you are good at math or not Imagine a company that is making BILLION$$$ you make 2% of that HELLO this is a no brainer for me...Lisa Young

Think about this.... If you see a good movie you tell your friends, does the theatre or film makers give you a referral fee? NO If you eat at a great restaurant and tell your friends does the restaurant send you a referral fee? NO ALL you are doing is "referring" people to a website that inevitably they will hear about really soon anyway. Do you want someone else to receive your referral fee because you didn't share? I sure don't!..... and it's FREE, what do you have to loose?

To Learn More About Minerva Rewards Click Here

1 comment:

  1. I am trying to enter the loyalty card
    given to me at the restaurant. I've entered the website the loyalty card says to enter, but I can't find the site on the web. Please advise.

    Restaurant rewards
