Saturday, April 21, 2012

A No Brainer

The more you learn about Minerva the more you need that Oxygen tank LOLOL. If you have not realized the magnitude of this You will and just imagine your life a year from now!!! Heck a month from now... We literally are equal partners in Minerva so if you are good at math or not Imagine a company that is making BILLION$$$ you make 2% of that HELLO this is a no brainer for me...Lisa Young

Think about this.... If you see a good movie you tell your friends, does the theatre or film makers give you a referral fee? NO If you eat at a great restaurant and tell your friends does the restaurant send you a referral fee? NO ALL you are doing is "referring" people to a website that inevitably they will hear about really soon anyway. Do you want someone else to receive your referral fee because you didn't share? I sure don't!..... and it's FREE, what do you have to loose?

To Learn More About Minerva Rewards Click Here

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Minerva Worldwide Talent Pool On The Rise

Minerva Place Worldwide Rewards...Founded by some of America’s most successful business and marketing leaders, Minerva Place Worldwide brings together renowned doctors and researchers in the fields of health and nutrition; alongside the country’s most accomplished writers, graphic artists and film/video producers to supply Minerva Rewards guest with smart content material associated to weight management, fitness and health, as well as elegance, style and fashion.

Award-winning writer/producer/director, Peter Baloff has led the advertising and marketing efforts for America’s
biggest corporations in catagories that consist of dieting, skin care, hair care, all-natural goods, food, packed goods and entertainment. Working with top ad agencies, consulting directly with the boards of directors or providing advertising and inventive solutions via his personal businesses, Baloff has built a track record as somebody who knows how you can launch new ventures and develop new brands. He is really a creative thinker who forsees the trends and respond with original models in all marketing venues, including retail, direct and affiliate.

honed the art of direct response advertising whilst serving as Copy Chief and Inventive Director for several the top ad agencies, such as Bozell & Jacobs/Kenyon & Eckhart. As a producer-writer, he holds numerous records in direct marketing and was the key player in launching half a dozen direct market companies that realized at least 9-figure sales in their first 18 months of business.

In addition, Baloff has managed to find the time to write and sell more than a dozen screenplays (6 produced), and serve as writer/producer for a number of network tv shows. Baloff won the Norman Lear Award for playwriting and the renowned Writer’s Foundation Award for screenwriting.

Baloff also
serves as an adjudicator for the Kennedy Center/ACTF, an outstanding program which cultivates nurturing mentorships between entertainment pros and university students nation-wide.

Baloff earned his Masters of Fine Arts degree from the University of Florida where he obtained the Presidential Recognition Award for Outstanding Contribution and recently was honored using the University of Florida Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award.

This is just the start of the talent behind Minerva Worldwide..

Minerva Rewards, Minerva Worldwide Inc. Who are they? Minerva Worldwide Inc is the corporation behind the creation of Minerva Place. Minerva Place is a premier destination for weight loss, health and beauty, and lifestyle enriched content. While the heart of Minerva Place is to help members lose weight as well as look and feel better, the soul of the community is a commitment to overall wellness. Our visitors and members, both men and women across a broad demographic, will interact online and offline on topics about which they are passionate.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Minerva Worldwide

Multilevel marketing can be extremely difficult at occasions. We all know we need to do more recruiting in our Minerva Worldwide business to be effective but occasionally we don’t truly understand what it takes to achieve this. We have to learn how to market effectively so we can have enough individuals to talk to, so we can recruit more people into our Minerva Worldwide business - but what does it take from there. That's a good question?
You must have a strong belief and understand that Minerva Worldwide is a people business so understanding and knowing people much better should be a topic of study if you wish to be successful in this business. Realize that we're all different with all different personality types. That in turn results in how 1 tends to make choices and options for their lives. 
Among the most powerful things you are able to do to ensure the achievement of your Minerva Worldwide Rewards business is to take the time to thoroughly comprehend why you're doing the business. Hand write each and every single reason you are doing this business on a sheet of paper. Take the leading 3 most important reasons and dig just a bit bit deeper. Ask yourself why is this reason important to you. And why is that important? Discover the reason why failure isn't an option and write that down on a card. Keep the card with you and read it frequently. Always keep in mind the WHY, you're willing to pay any price to build your business. Check with your upline leaders to find the best, most efficient presentation tool you are able to use to present the business chance. Make sure it is set up correctly and review it a number of times as in the event you are the prospect. Comprehend all of the choices for getting started and how you can sign somebody up after they view the presentation.         
We all know 2 or 3 individuals with whom we've sufficient trust and credibility; we are able to literally ask them to sign up for nearly anything and they’ll do it. Call them up, show them for your presentation and enroll them. Today!! Right now!  Next, compile a list of 100 people. It's far easier than you think, if you do not make any assumptions about these people being interested or not interested. Merely open your cell phone and begin writing down the names and numbers you find there. Open your Gmail, Yahoo accounts, Facebook, etc., and begin writing down names and numbers. Why 100? You'll generally will sponsor 1-2 people into your business for  every ten people you give a full presentation too. Especially in today’s uncertain economy. So by writing down 100 names and numbers you are putting the odds in your favor.      

The challenge is
you might doubt the process or doubt yourself. Work through that and merely make it happen. (Easier said than done) I know! Has it been done before?  Will it be done again? Ok, so what's the reason you can not do it? Regardless of how you take a look at it or try to rearrange the puzzle pieces - building a profitable minerva worldwide business is all about connecting with people… guiding them into a easy presentation or your website… and following up to collect a decision.  You are a decision collector.  The more decisions you collect, the more money you will make!   Nobody else can do it for you.  
Keep doing what you realize inside your heart is right for you. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words. Reside by choice, not by chance. Make modifications, not excuses. Be motivated, not manipulated. Work to excel, not compete. Decide to listen for your inner voice, not the jumbled opinions of everyone else. It is your road, and yours alone. Other people might walk it with you, but nobody can walk it for you.

Scheduled to go live in early 2012, Minerva Place Worldwide (MinervaPlace) is already poised to become the number one health and beauty destination on the web. Founded by a few of America’s most effective business and marketing leaders, Minerva Place Worldwide brings together renowned physicians and scientists within the fields of health and nutrition and supports them with the country’s most achieved writers, graphic artists and film and video producers to supply visitors with intelligent content related to weight management, fitness and wellness, in addition to beauty, style and fashion.  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WOW Jim Lutes Has Join MINERVA WorldWide

Jim Lutes Has Join MINERVA WorldWide
Nothing is impossible! Set goals and work toward achieving them. Follow your heart and hold on to your values. Use your creativity. Be sensitive in viewing the world and others. 
Remember: the more you give the more you will receive. Believe in Yourself and Your Dreams Will Come True!

Jim Lutes, has joined Minerva Worldwide, he is one of the world’s top direct sales trainers.  With 20 years’ experience in the personal development and direct sales industries, Jim will help Minerva Rewards by training members how to succeed, a skill he has perfected over the course of two decades generating millions of dollars in sales globally. As one of the most sought after personal development trainers, Jim will become a dynamic asset to Minerva Worldwide. 

You can  catch Jim Lutes and other  World Class Entrepreneurs on Jim Lutes Facebook page Entrepreneur Performance by Jim Lutes

“Build the people and the people will build the dream” says Lutes. “It does not matter where a person starts, only where they finish.”
Jim should know. He has built very large groups as a distributor,consultant, company owner and master distributor. In additional to his expertise in the direct selling industry, Jim has developed and taught personal development and peak performance courses for corporations, sales forces, individuals and athletes.
Being in the Right Place at the Right Time is everything.. Minerva Rewards is going to be one of the biggest global online businesses in 2012. “I think Minerva is the most exciting direct market business model I’ve seen in the past twenty years,” Jim asserts. “It’s a winner. And everyone who sticks with it will win.”Jim has a strong passion and belief in the Minerva mission and is excited to play a key role in helping Minerva members achieve their goals.
Click Here to Learn More About Minerva Rewards

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Minerva Place

Click Here to Take a Look at Minerva Place  
If you missed here’s your second chance. Minerva place is going to be one of the biggest global business online in 2012. The Diet, Health, Skin, and Beauty industry is almost $500 Billion strong with no Premier website...until now! Free to register. Nearly $32 Billion spent on the internet from January 5 - February 5 - people are turning to the internet to purchase all types of goods. Can you imagine getting a commission on every diet, health, skin, and beauty product sold from the number 1 Diet, Health, Skin, and Beauty website.

 Watch the replay and discover the opportunity of the future with a future. 
Scheduled to go live in early 2012, MinervaPlace is in the final development phase and already poised to become the number one diet, health and beauty destination on the web.  Founded by some of America’s most successful business and marketing leaders, Minerva brings together renowned physicians and scientists in the fields of health and nutrition and supports them with the country’s most accomplished writers, graphic artists and film and video producers to provide visitors with smart content related to weight management, fitness and lifestyle, as well as beauty, style and fashion.  The valuable content on MinervaPlace is free, but we encourage visitors to become community members so they may interact and share their knowledge and experience in the realms of health and wellness.  

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Minerva Rewards

Join Minerva Rewards for Free Now...Click Here

Scheduled to go live in early 2012, Minerva Rewards is already poised to become the number one Well being and Beauty destination on the web. Founded by some of America’s most successful business and marketing leaders, Minerva Place Worldwide Rewards brings together renowned physicians and scientists within the fields of well being and nutrition and supports them using the country’s most accomplished writers, graphic artists and film/video producers to offer guests with intelligent content related to weight management, fitness and wellness, as well as beauty, style and fashion.
valuable content on Minerva Rewards is totally free, but we encourage guests to become community members so they may interact and share their knowledge and experience in the locations of health and wellness. Community members also acquire access to Minerva Rewards premium content and unique functions and benefits including Cash Rewards for referring other people to the website. A generous portion of this upgraded membership contributes to Minerva Location Worldwide Rewards Inc’s mission; the fight against childhood obesity that is quick becoming 1 of America’s most serious well being problems. Annual membership is only $19.95.

first time guests are welcomed by a recognized celebrity and invited to watch our totally free Weight Management video which appears on our homepage. The content material of this video is based on the scientific principles prescribed by highly-respected physicians on our board. This really is an essential video which instructs viewers how you can preserve ideal body composition, relying on a proven methodology that promotes weight management through healthy nutritional practices. Our award-winning writers, producers and animators produce shows which not only teach, but tastefully entertain. This 30-minute show, created by a very famous medical doctor with two Ph.D’s is free to all guests.
As a premium member
you will be empowered to take actions which could have a large impact on your future if you choose to share Minerva Rewards with others. This outstanding opportunity offers each and every member a Cash Rewards program as innovative as Minerva Rewards itself.

The Minerva Rewards business model is
totally distinctive simply because it combines the best of several extremely successful industries: Web publishing and e-commerce with direct selling, also known as word-of-mouth advertising. This fusion model outcomes in a entire new way people become informed and make purchasing decisions online within the multi-billion dollar diet plan, well being and beauty industries.

Content material rich health and beauty portal? Revenue sharing business model? Social media platform? Minerva Place Globally Rewards is all this and much more. Minerva Location Globally Rewards stands apart from all other models because its growth relies on an affiliate membership rewarded through multiple profit centers. Each Member is rewarded commensurate to their contribution to Minerva’s growth.

Unlike most on-line businesses which spend millions reaching out to potential guests, Minerva Place Worldwide Rewards operates on a a lot much more effective and lucrative level. It is called SHARING. The concept is easy. When you share your enthusiasm for the useful and entertaining articles, videos and special features on Minerva Location Globally Rewards with others, you are driving Traffic to your individual Minerva Location Worldwide Rewards website, which results in sales. Then, Minerva shares its profits with you as Cash Rewards.
You can comprehend why this hyper-viral business model is so powerful. It combines the reach and light-speed of on-line marketing with richly rewarding word-of-mouth advertising. This is innovation. This is the future of on-line marketing…and you are now part of it.

product sales or inventory needs
Typically, in direct selling a representative is accountable for selling a specific brand of item or service. Our model is tied to no single brand of item or service and never asks you to sell products…yet you are able to profit from the sale of hundreds of goods and services. You can also share within the ad revenues generated by our premier online destination for diet, health and beauty, Minerva Location Worldwide Rewards.
Furthermore, our model features revered physicians, well being experts and celebrities, all of whom are eager to play an active function in promoting goods for our members and for the Minerva Place Worldwide Rewards community, goods from which you earn Cash Rewards.

As we prepare for the official
marketplace launch, scheduled for the 1st quarter of 2012, those that pre-enrolled will be given the opportunity to officially join Minerva Location Globally Rewards as an Independent Affiliate. Every Independent Affiliate is eligible to earn commissions via our Minerva Place Worldwide Rewards Affiliate compensation plan. So, your goal is to refer as numerous individuals as feasible in between now and the Minerva Place Worldwide Rewards official market introduction.